Dry type 35kv bushings – testing a 35kv 3 three phase transformer

At the Tortech High Voltage Lab in Sydney, we are performing detailed testing on special dry-type 35kV bushings to assess their performance and reliability under high-voltage conditions. These bushings are critical components in electrical systems, and it is essential to ensure their operational integrity before deployment in the field.

The testing process begins with a high voltage (HV) test, where a stress of 95kV is applied to the bushings. This is followed by a partial discharge (PD) test conducted at 41kV to earth. The goal of this test is to measure any potential electrical discharges that may occur within the bushing’s insulation, with a strict threshold of less than 5pC (pico-Coulombs) for the partial discharge level. Maintaining such a low discharge level is crucial, as it ensures that the bushing will perform reliably and safely during its service life.

By conducting these rigorous tests, we aim to verify the bushings’ ability to withstand high-voltage stresses while ensuring that they meet the highest standards of performance, safety, and longevity..

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